2020-08-18 1200
Precautions for using water faucets1. Do not use force to turn the faucet on and off, just turn it clockwise and gently Even traditional faucets do not require a lot of effort to right Especially, do
2020-07-29 1203
1. Admit that the main pillar basin, platform basin, and platform basin purchased are all of several holes, so there is no need to worry about the hole spacing They are all of the same size;2. Confirm
2020-07-22 1175
Improve maintenance after selecting a faucet can affect its lifespan, which is a header for many people The frequency of using a faucet is high, and it is necessary to use it every day Under such a hi
2020-07-10 1222
Household faucet cleaning:1. Do not directly wipe the surface of the faucet with a bump towel2. Do not wipe the faucet with items with bugs3. Do not let the faucet come into contact with acid or alkal
2020-07-01 1165
In recent years, various food related problems have emerged one after another, and we have gradually attached importance to food issues, especially water Most people may not have paid attention to the
2020-06-20 1241
Many faucets have been in use for about ten to twenty years, which is not suing How, current faucets may not have the same lifespan as old flash faucets, which were used to be made of stainless steel
2020-03-20 1051
When selecting, it is qualified to ensure that there are no bubbles, defects, or scratches in the bright light Generally, faucets only require a coating of 10 or more microns, with the intent of trust
2019-11-18 1230
But in recent years, with the advancement of technology, there have been a wide variety of faucet products In order to match different styles of home design, faucet colors have become more essential,
2019-10-14 1096
The products of faucet manufacturers in the current market are diverse and diverse, making it difficult for those who choose faucets to see, specifically for those who pay attention to details So how
2019-10-08 1122
When in use, the water flow of the faucet benefits small and small at first glance, the filter at the faucet south is blocked, but after turning on the faucet south and organizing it, it shows a leaka